Wednesday, May 20, 2020

"A choice between sterile safety secured by expert rule, or common sense and freedom."

In American Greatness, Christopher Roach writes in part,
By channeling the frustration and skepticism of the general public, Donald Trump has become the tribune of the people. While there is no obvious reason these issues should fall ideologically the way they do, this is the key to understanding our changing politics. Common sense and the interests of the common people are increasingly opposed to the managerial class, whether in business or government. The next election is evolving into a referendum on managerial expertise. A choice between sterile safety secured by expert rule, or common sense and freedom.

In other words, while the virus may be a unique and novel threat, the next election—like the one in 2016—will fundamentally be one about who we are. We have the chance to affirm that we are the same nation that one reads about in history books, a nation of Americans defined by their love of freedom.
Read more here.

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