Are you ready for another Bush? Jeb Bush has been getting lots of press for a book on immigration he has co-authored. It seems Jeb was pro-amnesty before he became anti-amnesty. Jeb is concerned about the fact that Americans no longer have the social mobility they once had. That's a nice way to say that the middle class is shrinking, and more Americans are becoming dependent on government. Joe Klein writes in Time Magazine
The issue that Jeb Bush raised–the decline of social mobility–has the potential to open some crucial areas of discussion: How do we create middle-class jobs if our smartest young people flock toward casino gambling on Wall Street rather than inventing new products and building new companies? How do we really reform sclerotic, inefficient education, health care and regulatory systems? Intelligent politicians like Obama and Bush think about this stuff all the time. It would be nice if they could clear out the tactical rubbish and find a way to talk about it.
Can you stand the thought of Bush versus Clinton in 2016?
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