Thursday, March 28, 2013

Some gays want to be included in the institution of marriage, while many heterosexuals are deserting it!

Marriage is in the news, as the Supreme Court hears arguments this week. Roger L. Simon writes a post about marriage at PJ Media:

Committing to another human being and raising a family is the most ennobling and meaningful activity any of us – except perhaps those few curing cancer and such like – undertake in life.

Trouble is — fewer and fewer of us are doing it. The statistics are everywhere. I’ll give just a few: According to a Pew poll from January 2011, 39% of Americans think marriage obsolete. (Up from 28% in the 1990s.) Forty-one percent of babies are born out of wedlock. (That’s up 18% since the 1980s.) Barely half of U. S. adults are married — the lowest percentage ever. And so on.

America’s problem isn’t gay marriage; it’s marriage.

Conservatives should be grateful to gays. These days they seem to be the only ones who want to uphold the institution.

Well, some of them anyway. And that’s part of the point. Those gays and lesbians who want to get married are largely domestic types who seek to participate in a traditional lifestyle that conservatives normally admire and advocate.

And guess what — nothing has happened to the institution of marriage, except, sadly, from those heterosexuals deserting it. And that is clearly not the homosexuals’ fault.

More importantly, as a serial monogamist and devoted romantic about marriage, I would remind them to concentrate on the real problem. Marriage is in serious jeopardy. Pay more attention to that, not to a tiny minority who seek what you already have.

Read more here:

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