Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Have you seen this picture taken of someone who appears to be walking down a hill on Mars? This photo is from Fox News.


Gayle said...

I did see that somewhere before, but I can't remember where.

julie said...

Sorry, Bob - this one's much ado about almost nothing. Bad Astronomy Blog has a post up about it (although it's been Farked, so the server may be down), but the object in the image is actually a very small rock. An interestingly-shaped rock, to be sure, but like the infamous face on the surface, it's truly just a natural formation. The actual picture is here (zoom in and scroll over to the far left corner), and the image is startling. It pops right out at you, and even knowing it's a rock formation, the brain insists it must be a human figure. Weird :)

Bob's Blog said...

What would I do without you?

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Even aliens on Mars are out of focus. :^)

And alien-shaped rocks, apparently.