Friday, October 12, 2007

Nobel Peace Prize

Humble Al Gore joins anti-Semitic Jimmah Cahtar as recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize. Nothing hypocritical about Al, is there? Nothing self righteous about either of these guys. Jimmah brought us peace in the Middle East and Hugo Chavez. Both gentlemen are doing their best to save the world from the influence of evil America.


Anonymous said...

I guess that it goes to show you what the Peace Prize is worth nowadays.
I guess that only Democrats and terrorists are allowed to win it these days.

Webutante said...

Don't think Hillary and Bill aren't getting ready for every conceivable turn of events now that talk of Al being drafted is permeating the airwaves. The Gores and the Clintons are not fond of each other at all....

But the Nobel is no longer such a prestigous award like before Arafat was annointed.

Mrs. Who said...

So, fighting global warming=peace? Sheesh.

Jeffro said...

Hey, now for a limited time, you can buy carbon credits from good ol' Al - Generation Investment Management.

No self interest here, just move along, these aren't the droids you're looking for.