Tuesday, January 01, 2019

The Left's agenda for 2019

In American Greatness, Dennis Prager is feeling much the way I am concerning what lies ahead in 2019.
...the Democratic Party and the media will do to American political life what it has done to the arts; the universities; the high schools; the Boy Scouts; race relations; religion; the happiness of so many women (misled by feminism regarding marriage and career); the moral fabric of American life (morality reduced to feelings); late-night television; mainstream Judaism, Catholicism and Protestantism; pro football; and the sexual innocence of the young: It will poison it.

...From the French Revolution to this day, the two great aims of the Left have been promising utopia to the malcontented and accumulating as much power as possible. All moral values are subservient to these goals. After all, what could be more important than “social justice” (the Left’s term for everything it advocates); “equality” (of result); women’s liberation from the “sexist oppression” of the “patriarchy”; combatting “white privilege”; fighting the “rape culture” that pervades campuses; saving life on planet Earth from the “existential threat” to it; “resistance” to the “authoritarian,” “fascist,” “white supremacist,” “racist” Trump Administration; supplanting national identities and institutions with a “world citizen” identity and international institutions; and undoing the most fundamental built-in identity of the human race, that of male and female, in the name of transgender rights?

Thanks to Democratic control of the House of Representatives, the Left will use the levers of government to keep the American people in a constant state of agitation. The only thing the Left hates more than a happy population is losing elections. And it knows the two are linked—because happy and grateful Americans rarely vote Democrat. The road to Democrat victories lies in convincing women, blacks, Hispanics, Jews, and young people to be as unhappy, ungrateful and angry as possible—in the greatest country ever made.

That is the Left’s agenda for 2019.
Read more here.

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