Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Passive conservatism

From a Twitter thread:
Passive conservatism was so thoroughly terrorized away from social issues over the past generation that it became reluctant to engage even when leftists are clearly the aggressors and their attacks are utterly dishonest.
The debate on the passive Right was never about pushing back or fighting, especially not by top-tier Republican officials looking to preserve their "electability." The only serious topic of discussion was how much ground to yield, how many of the Left's premises to agree with.

...The Left gained an almost unchallenged ability to designate cultural villains and target them for destruction, an ability they were boldly exercising against the Covington kids until citizen-journalists brought them up short with amateur video.

...Now it's free speech and even basic political rights on the chopping block. Wearing a MAGA hat and marching for life? You deserve whatever happens to you, including life-destroying fake allegations and even violent assault. Shut up, stand down, and submit or your life is forfeit.

The Left defines what your symbols mean, evaluates the true content of your heart, and parses every word you speak. What an insidious assault on free speech - your every word and even facial expressions mangled by hostile translators, your ability to impart MEANING stolen.
Read more here.

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