Thursday, January 03, 2019

Romney narcissism

The Washington Post, where democracy dies in seething hatred and bitterness, didn't have enough Trump haters writing for them so they recruited Mitt Romney of Bain Capital fame. You know, the Mitt Romney who got rich by terminating employment for thousands of Americans because, you know, he has character and Trump doesn't. Yes, the Romney who got elected in Utah last fall by not running against Trump. Trump's reaction to Romney's op-ed? "If he fought as hard against Obama as he has against me, he would have won the election in 2012!" Andrew says Mitt is auditioning for the John McCain slot. It is narcissism and it won't get Romney anywhere!

Henry Olson answered Romney in the same newspaper, saying that Trump's pugnaciousness and sometimes crude talk is an essential part of Trump's virtue! He fights while other Republicans cower.

Andrew says Trump is a gut guy, not a brain guy. Brain guys think gut guys are stupid.

Scott Atlas of Stanford University's Hoover Institute is Andrew's guest, talking about health care and how to restore quality.

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