Friday, January 04, 2019

Can we get a "Jobs Saved" figure please?

As I write this post, the Dow is up over 800 points, after the Fed chairman promised to be patient about any further rate hikes. Ace of Spades writes,
Economy adds 312,000 jobs in December, blowing past forecasts.

0.4% increase in wages as well.

The unemployment rate edged up to 3.9%, but that could very well be linked to the increased number of "job leavers," people leaving jobs voluntarily -- which is a sign of a healthy economy. People don't feel trapped in a job they don't actually want when there are more jobs available.

In addition, the jobs numbers from the past two months were also adjusted upwards. November's job creation numbers were increased from an earlier reading of 155,000 to 176,000, and Octobers were increased from 237,000 to 274,000. In total, 58,000 more jobs were created than originally thought.

And who knows how many jobs Trump Saved! (We should begin insisting the media report on Trump's Jobs Saved figures.)
Read more here.

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