Saturday, March 07, 2020

What is their plan?

In the American Thinker, Patricia McCarthy writes in part,
All of those leftists coming out of the woodwork to support Joe Biden know only too well that he is an intellectual lightweight, "wrong on every foreign policy issue for forty years," (Robert Gates), a mean-spirited bastard who delighted in destroying Robert Bork and humiliating the great Clarence Thomas. He is as corrupt a politician as there ever was, who absolutely is guilty and compromised by his efforts to enrich his ne'er-do-well son, his brother, sister and daughter. The thought of this man even becoming close to the presidency is abhorrent. Whatever his pseudo-supporters have in mind, it is not good for the American people; not one bit. We will soon learn what their plan is. Chances are it won't be pretty and chances are the American people will not fall for it.
Read more here.

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