Thursday, March 12, 2020

"hopefully, the experience will further expose the Media and our typical politicians for the venal, corrupt hacks they are."

In the Ace of Spades blog, co-blogger CBD writes,
COVID-19 isn't Small Pox, it isn't Cholera, it isn't Malaria...all of which killed millions. We will weather this storm, and hopefully, the experience will further expose the Media and our typical politicians for the venal, corrupt hacks they are.

And like the good soldiers in the conservative army, we should fight back. For instance:

In case anyone is still wondering why Trump did a travel ban in Europe, Fauci just told Congress that the majority of new infections we are seeing are coming from Europe not China.
Posted by: JackStraw at March 12, 2020 10:12 AM (ZLI7S)

Shove that down the throats of any who whine and bitch about President Trump's actions.
Read more here.

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