Sunday, August 04, 2019

"The real discussion should be about mental health, not weaponry,"

Roger L. Simon writes in PJ Media,
...The real discussion should be about mental health, not weaponry, but the former is far more difficult to deal with. Indeed, it's almost overwhelming. Ex post facto, almost all these mass murderers are easily classified as mentally ill, but only rarely are they interdicted in advance. Law enforcement agencies, school administrators and other authorities have been reluctant to take action to prevent the disturbed from acting out for fear of repercussions to themselves or simply out of lassitude. This is not only true for the potential shooters, but it also helps explain why nothing has been done about the tent cities turning our most beautiful cities into Third World cesspits. Or the government in Portland allowing Antifa to run rampant. No one wants to be an adult anymore.

We're going to have to learn unless we want these events to be the new normal — or rather continue to be the new normal.
Read more here.

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