Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Making decisions

Emily Freeman writes,
...For better or worse, making decisions is a lifelong practice. It’s one we can’t delegate, graduate from, or grow out of.

...Sometimes we do this in productive ways with whiteboards and healthy conversation and lists. Other times we imagine scenarios in more unproductive ways with tossing and turning in the middle of the night.

If we don’t give ourselves a bit of time and space to consider possibilities, to sit with potential, to let ideas form slowly, then our imagination will just do its knee-jerk thing. We’ll make our decisions not based on our gifting, our calling or what matters most, we’ll just make them to avoid pain, discomfort, disappointing others or sometimes just to get the decision out of the way.

The bigger the decision, the greater the need for silence, solitude, and creativity.

Whether you plan to take some time off in the future, have had some time off and are now planning your return, or if you simply struggle to transition from the weekend into Monday morning chaos in a way that feels life-giving, coming back with peace doesn’t mean all goes well. It means your faith is in the one who holds all things together, even when it feels like things are falling apart.

...May the love of the Father, the courage of the Son and the comfort of the Holy Spirit be with you as you continue to do your next right thing in love.
Read more here.

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