Andrew's opening monolog pokes fun at Leftists' efforts to destroy holidays. For example, they want to dictate what costumes we and our children can or cannot wear.
An evil lunatic is sending bombs to prominent Democrats just in time for the midterm election. Who will solve this case, the police, or some guy on Twitter? Let's try letting the police to solve it! The return address on each package was that of Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Megyn Kelly got slammed by the Stalinists on Twitter for saying she had no problem with a woman dressing up as Diana Ross and putting some skin darkening creme on her face for the Halloween effort. She apologized but no apology is ever enough. Andrew speaks with great passion about the subject.
Andrew believes it is possible that Republicans will hold both houses of Congress in the midterm elections.
On immigration, Andrew plays a clip of Bill Clinton who in a State of the Union address sounded way more right-of-center on immigration than even Donald Trump.
What does it mean to have a right to life? It means no one can take your life without due process. Almost every right you have involves being left alone. You do not have the right to my time, my money, my property. Worldwide there are between 40 to 60 million abortions a year! That we can live with that is an indication of how sick this world is. Prior to ultrasounds we didn't have pictures of babies in the womb. Now we do. Now we know. Andrew wants to debate, change minds through persuasive arguments and civil discourse. We are looking to free people who are infected with that cultural illness and cure them.
Andrew answers people's questions in the mailbag section of the program Here is one: A lot of us are busy telling God who we are. If you have been trying something for a couple years and it isn't working out, try something different. Let Him tell you who you are. Let go of the thing that isn't working out for you. Find out what you are meant to do. Give yourself a deadline and if it still isn't working out, walk away.
Lastly, Andrew talks about regulations and how they impinge upon our freedom. Written by people sitting in their offices pushing papers around, these unelected, unaccountable people want to control Americans. Trump has done a good job dialing regulations down. It is one of the best things he has done.
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