Monday, May 21, 2012


On the right hand side of this post is the blurb from Barack Obama's  bio distributed by his literary agent. He did not correct it until he ran for President ten years later. Who committed fraud in this endeavor? Mark J. Fitzgibbons analyzes some of the legal issues at The American Thinker:

 "It is not credible that Obama was not aware that his literary agent published a false statement about his place of birth. Even if those defending him were to claim that he was unaware, Obama had a duty of care to ensure the accuracy of facts material to the sale of his story. He did so over a decade later, but only when he was preparing to run for president.

Compared to the big lies Obama tells regularly about policy and politics, a literary fraud from 1991 is small potatoes. Then again, Obama was relatively small potatoes at the time it first surfaced."

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