Friday, June 20, 2008


We got this grey alpaca with black spots last night. It was after ten PM, so I did not grab my camera, but I should have, because of what happened next...

Along came this guy, who is the largest alpaca in the herd of eight. He jumped on the grey alpaca's back and rode him, rode him, and rode him. Just a little lesson in dominance there, bro.

I noticed today that the two smallest alpaca had become fast friends.

They are fascinating creatures, which seem to be part giraffe, part camel, and part deer.


Mrs. Who said...

They are so cute...are they gentle animals? Well, other than jumping on each other...

Bob's Blog said...

mrs. who,
They are very gentle. When they have a fight, they "neck" each other. They are as cute as cute can be.

Terri Wagner said...

Would love the lifestyle. Maybe I should move to the great skies and Alpaca country. Room for one more, ok, 3 more and 3 dogs.