Tuesday, November 09, 2021

A spike in young athletes dying after taking vaccines

John-Henry Westen reports,
Remember that story LifeSite covered last month, regarding the 17-year-old hockey player in Ontario who got the COVID jab because he was denied entry into skating arenas without it? Sean Hartman with his whole life in front of him died two weeks later.
That was only the tip of the iceberg. In the last few weeks there have been dozens of similar cases of young, super healthy athletes becoming seriously harmed or even dying, ending their athletic dreams. This should be huge news everywhere. But it’s not being reported for what it is.
Individual reports of the deaths and permanent disabilities of young football, cricket, rugby, and hockey players, dancers, and more are everywhere all of a sudden. But how is no mainstream media outlet putting these all together and calling it out as a huge problem?
The former VP of Pfizer, Dr. Yeadon, recently called out the COVID jabs for their danger early on and warned of their deadly potential. And now his dire predictions are coming true. But the mainstream media with the collusion of governments and health authorities are trying to cover up the evidence.
Dr. Yeadon has pulled together a couple dozen recent examples of athletes dying and becoming permanently injured, and notes how rare such occurrences used to be, whereas in the past few weeks it seems to be a daily occurrence.
He also explained the deaths and injuries, saying, “These vaccines induce the body to manufacture unregulated amounts of virus spike protein. Not only are the amounts uncontrolled in any way, we also have no idea, in any individual, WHERE in the body this dangerous protein is made.”
This scientific expert concluded, “I surmise that all these sports people are being injured & killed by the COVID-19 vaccines. Young people are NOT at risk from this virus & also are poor at passing it on. There is therefore NO REASON why these people have been vaccinated, and it’s pressure from their clubs & leagues that’s made them comply.”
Go here to read some of the examples given in the article: https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/crazy-spike-in-young-athletes-dying-former-pfizer-vp-sounds-the-alarm/

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