Friday, July 03, 2020

"I offer you the gift of social enlightenment!"

From the satirical Babylon Bee:
LOS ANGELES, CA—We all know LeBron James is an amazing human being, but seriously. Just when we thought he couldn't get any better, local media caught this powerful moment and WE CAN'T EVEN. Cameras caught the inspiring, heartwarming moment LeBron approached a homeless man last week at one of LA's many tent cities.

According to sources, the homeless man held out his hand to LeBron's approaching car to ask for some spare change. What happened next gives us faith in humanity again.

The world-famous NBA player looked at the poor man's outstretched hand. Smiling kindly he said, "Silver and gold have I none, but in the name of #BlackLivesMatter, I offer you the gift of social enlightenment!"

LeBron James then proceeded to lecture the lucky panhandler on his white privilege, offering helpful ways to "be better" in the future. "I was shocked," said Mike "CrazyEyes" McCluckerson, the homeless Marine Corps vet after LeBron's helpful exhortation. "I was raised by a family of possums under an abandoned bridge, but I had no idea how many advantages my whiteness had given me in life. Furthermore, Mr. James illuminated a host of unconscious biases I harbored in my heart without even knowing it. This moment marks a turning point in my never-ending journey to relinquish the mantle of privilege Western colonialism has afforded me."

Mr. McCluckerson then offered Lebron James his scarf as a token of thanks. James didn't have any cash to offer the homeless man, but he did make a $100 donation to Black Lives Matter in his name. What a BEAUTIFUL gesture. Go, LeBron!

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