Monday, April 13, 2020

"The resistance appears to be coming together."

Sundance reports in the Conservative Treehouse,
Wow – Supreme Court Will Hold Hearings Via Teleconference and Broadcast Live Audio of Consolidated Trump Financial Cases…
Posted on April 13, 2020 by sundance
The resistance appears to be coming together. In a stunning and historic change of protocol the United States Supreme Court will hold teleconference hearings and will actually live-stream broadcast the oral arguments and questions. Two elements are remarkable.

First, that the Supreme Court would permit a livestream broadcast of any hearing is historic. The purposeful controls of the Court, never allowing video, cameras or live audio broadcasting for their hearings, was always justified around the court never wanting to allow politics and media to shape the serious legal issues being debated.

Secondly, and perhaps not coincidentally, during this live-stream session, the Supreme Court is going to be hearing legal arguments after they consolidated a series of cases targeting the financial and business records of President Donald Trump. The various lawsuits against President Trump are not only going to be heard, they are going to be broadcast. It doesn’t get much more political than that.

...The Supreme Court issued a stay upon all lower court action and consolidated the cases into one writ. The court will hear arguments in May and release a ruling later in the summer of 2020.

...The quest for President Trump’s financial records is essentially a legislative and political fishing expedition in an attempt to gain opposition research for their Democrat candidate in the 2020 election. [Joe Biden or other]

Read more here.

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