Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Making the National Divorce happen, corporation by corporation

Steven Gutkowski reports in the Free Beacon,
Multibillion-dollar business software provider Salesforce announced on Thursday that it would no longer do business with anyone who legally sells certain firearms or ammunition magazines.

The corporation, worth around $120 billion, updated its Acceptable Use and External Facing Services Policy to ban anyone using their software from selling nearly all modern semiautomatic rifles and many other semiautomatic firearms.
Read more here.

Ace of Spades comments,
Salesforce Is The Newest #Woke Corporation, This Time Joining the Anti-Gun-Rights Movement
—Ace of Spades
Corporations are people too, my friend.

Very left-wing people, as it turns out.

The National Divorce is already happening, corporation by corporation. We are no longer acting as if we are one people, but instead managing our lives to only live with, and even sell to, our own kind.

This is good; with our affairs largely already separated, it will make the true, legal National Divorce super-easy, barely an inconvenience.

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