Thursday, June 27, 2019

Which Dem candidates did best persuasion-wise?

Perhaps you know that persuasion expert Scott Adams predicted in October 2015 that Donald Trump would win the presidential election. Therefore, it behooves us to listen to him comment on the current crop of candidates, starting with his impressions from last night's Democratic debates.

"DeBlasio performed well, but Scott does not think he has much of a chance.

Corey Booker doesn't connect. He pretends to care. That wide-eyed look just screams insincere!

Scott thought that Elizabeth Warren won the night easily. Her performance looked powerful, credible, confident, smart, passionate, and in control.

Julian Castro got a lot of attention, but he has a problem with his physical size, and he will not be the nominee.

Klobuchar seems reasonable, but she is not telegenic.

O'Rourke was an empty suit.

Tulsi Gabbard won the Drudge poll. No matter what the question is, she has one answer: I served in the military. She looked lifeless."
Go here to watch much more.

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