Saturday, June 08, 2019

China puts on the dragon mask

In the Conservative Treehouse, Sundance reports on meetings in China in which the communist regime made threats to American companies such as Microsoft and Dell.
Indeed the depth of the Chinese influence is becoming increasingly clear. In Washington, DC Congressman Justin Amash has been pushing heavily for President Trump’s impeachment. In addition to being an elected representative, Mr. Amash operates a manufacturing company in China. [link] These positions are directly related.

Keep an eye out for those who raise the strongest objections toward the Trump administration confronting China; there’s almost a guarantee the scale of opposition will be in direct alignment to their financial interests in Beijing.

Yes, as with all things Trump, the president is likely to expose much more than just political opposition based on ideology. President Trump’s America-First stance is putting the spotlight on all those politicians who bet against our nation, took the indulgences from a happy Panda, and swore a greater allegiance to their net worth.
Read more here.

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