Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Ace of Spades commenters have their say on Mueller's witness arrested for child pornography

Don Q. wrote,
Note the timing.

He is no longer protected by Mueller, and is arrested.

His usefulness was over, time to destroy him to ensure he is not believed when he rolls over on Mueller.

REM wrote,
This was, informed speculation suggests, yet another attempt to frame the Trump campaign by the FBI and maybe Brennan.

Brennan consorts with pedos? Wouldn't surprise me.

Mikey NTH wrote,
Weissmann really tried to entrap Trump and just couldn't pull it off. I sincerely hope Barr takes a long and unfriendly look at this guy and his career.

Sharkman wrote,
Yes, Nader was working for the CIA/FBI/DOJ.

How do I know?

Because Nader's attorney all this time has been Katherine Reummler, who coincidently was also Ex-Prez'nit Cock-Curious' White House Counsel, and was known as Emperor Shit Midas' "Fixer".

Just a little fact the WaPo left out of their story.

Guy Smiley wrote,
He was arrested on Monday, BUT...

Investigators seized electronic devices from George Nader on January 17, 2018.

So. Much. Suspiciousness. There.

Mueller's a real straight-arrow boy scout all right.

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