Thursday, July 05, 2018

Happy Birthday To Me!

Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

Tomorrow is my 60th birthday. A pretty good milestone for some folks. But, still in my middling years according to my family tree. I come from a fairly long-lived group of people. For us, 80s, 90s, and 100s are (and have been) quite common. When someone has passed in their 60s or 70s, my family said, “Oh, they were so young”. Thus, I figure I am probably good for another 35 to 40 years at minimum. And, if not, at least I will have lived my life like it was still “prime time” and not “end of days”!

I am continually dismayed by people around me who choose to be old. I am not talking about their age in years, but their age in behavior. I know there are things that change as we age and things we can sometimes no longer do. But, to crawl into a premature grave is ridiculous! While I cannot do everything I used to do or I have to alter how I do things, I still DO things! I still enjoy life, family, hobbies, and look for the good in every day. In short, I choose happiness.

My husband and I started a new tradition with the beginning of 2018. At night, as we do our scripture reading and say our bedtime prayer, we also share what was our “Happy for Today”. I record them in my iPad notebook and we will print it out at year’s end to put into a journal binder. It is just one or two sentences. He relates his and I relate mine. Sometimes it is a big thing, but oft times it is just a small happening that lifted us up. Occasionally we have a similar or even the same “happy”, but it is just as likely to be completely different. The important thing is that at the end of each day we look for at least one bright spot in even those days which are more problematic. To end the day with positivity makes it easier to fall asleep at times.

I believe we need to choose happiness, count blessings, and celebrate each birthday. I mean, not acknowledging birthdays does not stop the aging process. Hair is still gonna thin and gray. Skin is still gonna get spots and wrinkles. Bones and joints are still ache. Muscles are still gonna weaken. So, instead of ignoring the passing years, why not at least get the cake, ice cream, and gifts! Also, I never, ever lie about my age. I figure if I am truthful, I will get one of two reactions: 1) people will be kind to me ‘cause they feel sorry for me and think, “Oh, no wonder she looks like crap, she is sooo old”. Or, 2) They will look at me and think, “Wow! She looks amazing for her age” and still be nice to me as they pay me compliments. Either way, they will treat me good.

I am blessed to have a husband who feels much as I do and we go around not acting our age together. This does not mean we do inappropriate activities or dangerous stunts, it just means we live life kinda like we always have. Maybe just being a tad more careful about heat, sun, hydration, dangers, and such. We may walk a little slower, rest a little more often, and sometimes skip the really hard parts, but we get out and about. Enjoying life, family, and each other.

We pay attention to our grooming and wardrobe. We try to eat healthier. We try to exercise regularly. I try to avoid frumpy. No house-dresses and terry-cloth slippers in public. He tries to not look like a Florida tourist. Oh come on, you know what I mean. The old man wearing bermuda shorts, straw mini-brim fedora, black socks, and sandals.

For my birthday weekend celebration we have a variety of ideas. Rodeo. Watching, not participating. Family lunch party. Maybe a date night dinner at Texas Roadhouse. We like to sit at the bar, despite the fact that we don’t drink alcohol. Shopping for new fish for my aquarium. Not sure what will end up being the top picks. Although the family lunch is set in stone!

Anyway, I am looking forward to turning 60. Plan to have my cake and ice cream, or whatever sugar-free dessert option my family brings as a surprise. Plan to open my gifts. Plan to count my many blessings. And, to once again not lie about my age. Life is good. Birthdays are great. The cessation of birthdays is not such a good thing. I feel like denying the advance of time might make the Lord think I do not treasure each hour, day, month, and year. I never want Him or anyone to think that I am not appreciating every moment I have here on this earth. So, bring on the gray hair and saggy skin, just so long as my lust for life remains undiminished! I may have to grow OLDER, but I do not have to get OLD.

Live, laugh, and love. Kiss your beloved. Hug your children. Pet the dogs. Snuggle the cats. Feed the fish. Groom the horses. Water the plants. Smell the roses. Savor your food. Find the small treasures of life around you. There are more than we know just waiting in each room of our home and each second of our life. Miracles abound. Just open heart and mind to the possibilities. I have to go now. My birthday celebrating awaits!!!
Suzann blogs at Wooly

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