Tuesday, March 13, 2018

What do the Ace commenters think?

Let's see what the commenters at Ace of Spades think about the big news of today.

not the mama writes,
Trump picked a controversial woman on purpose. If she gets approved, he gets credit for putting the first woman in that position. If not, he gets to claim the Dems blocked a woman, plus he gets to nominate someone else he may prefer.

It's the same rake he laid down in the grass with his DACA deal and the Dems are going to step on it all over again.

Skandia Recluse writes,
Pompeo coming out of the CIA knows all the secrets, including State Department secrets, and knows who the players are. Inspector General report coming out and naming names all across the federal bureaucracy.

Sounds like a reckoning to me.

JJ Sefton writes,
The White House has fired Steve Goldstein, the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, after contradicting the account of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's dismissal.
Read much more here.

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