Media Weekend Freakout: Trump Just Announced His Plans to Become a DictatorRead more here.
Years ago, the media lost readership to clickbait factories. At first, they said they'd beat back the challenge by providing that which the clickbait factories could not: Serious, well-researched journalism.The best the media can do is simply play stenographer/publicist to an ax-grinding leaker who wants his unverified claims in print.
So, to beat the clickbait factories, the supposed Priesthood of All Truth instead just became clickbait factories themselves, albeit with laughable pretensions.
For some reason Trump went to the Gridiron Dinner. In his usual jokey-joke style, he mentioned China's president doing away with term limits and joked that maybe we'll try that here in the US.
The media's Situational Autism Simulation Syndrome -- SASS -- of course went into overdrive, as they once again decided this was the moment to pretend that they don't understand the concepts of irony or joking, and that every statement, no matter how clearly marked by context clues, is a serious and indeed gravely seriously statement, so long as pretending it to be such hurts Trump.
A good example of what Ace is writing about is happening right now on Facebook's "Trending" column. Presently there are links to CNN, MSN, and The Hill about Trump wanting to be president for life!
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