Guest post
by Suzann Darnall
Conservatives had better get it together or we are gonna lose any progress we have made at taking back some of our lost freedoms and draining at least a little of the murk-n-mud of politics that stifle our economy and corrupt our communities.
I don’t care if all y’all don’t like every little thing President Trump is doing, you better get off your sulky backsides and start voting in every single election we have every single year! Trump and the current collection of the group huddling under a tent that occasionally includes Conservatives, Republicans, Constitutionalists, RINOs, GOP Establishment, Right Wing, Patriots, as well as the occasional Libertarian or Independent may not be perfect, but the majority of them are a darn sight better than anyone on the other side of the aisle! So, suck it up buttercups and pick the lesser of two evils!!!
Maybe you cannot feel morally superior voting for a lesser evil, but at least it is a lesser evil . . . as opposed to some of the monumentally evil garbage happening on the other side. Remember Hillary Clinton? Late-term abortions? ObamaCare? The KKK? Antifa? These would be just a very few of the really hateful evils that have been brought to us over the years by the group bundled under Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Left Wing, Leftists, Snowflakes, sometimes Libertarians, frequent Independents, and even Communists.
There is no such thing as an unimportant election. Every election is a building block that puts together the pieces that make up our government. It starts locally, builds into county, state, and national. The less power we give to the Left down at our community level, the more we weaken their foundation all the way up to Washington, DC.
For example, I don’t care how nice the guy is who is running for local dogcatcher. If he is a Democrat, he is not getting my vote. I don’t care if he is pro-life, a lifetime member of the NRA, and goes to church with me. I am not letting even one of my votes support a Democrat. ‘Cause the Democrat who is pro-life and pro-gun today while running locally, will likely be bullied into toeing the party line when he needs support at the state or national level. So, stop ‘em now while they are little guys. Then, we don’t have to deal with them when they become big shots!
And, how do we do that? We vote. Every election. All of us! Every single Conservative gets out and votes a straight Republican ticket. Even if there are a few distasteful options on it. A bad Republican will leave less of a bad taste in your mouth than another Democrat building their foundation a lil bit deeper and a lit bit wider. If I am gonna be stuck with some political muck, I at least want it to give majorities to the “R” side of the aisle and keep as much of America as red as we can!
So, if you did not go out and vote on Tuesday, don’t be blaming President Trump if he isn’t changing things as fast as you’d like. If we didn’t give him the tools he needed (political support of more Conservatives in office) we got no right to gripe. We just have to get our defecation organized and go at the next election with everything we got. And, the ones after that! They all matter. Each one is a chance to improve our lives or not. I have never seen my life improve under a Democratic president. Republicans not always perfect, but they are at least a lot better than the alternative!!!
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