Friday, May 31, 2013

Serving Obama's political interests

Who is Tom Perez? He is the third most frequent visitor to the Obama White House. He is also the person in charge of enforcing the nation's law that

requires states to maintain clean voter rolls before federal elections.

Paul Mirengoff writes at Power Line that
Perez allowed the nation’s voter rolls to swell with millions of dead voters by refusing to bring any cases under Section 8 of the Motor Voter law. Instead, thanks to Perez, millions of dead and ineligible voters remained on the rolls for the November 2012 election.

The most frequent visitor was former I.R.S. Commissioner Doug Shulman. Mirengoff wonders if there is something the two share in common.

Here, then, is a common thread — both Perez and Shulman headed governmental units performing tasks that served the political interests of President Obama and his party. Did this work help them become frequent White House visitors?

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