Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Orphaned elephant being raised by woman

Doing foster care for human babies and small children is one thing, but how would you like to do it with a baby elephant? Jenny Webb adopted Moses, who was found abandoned in a river bed.

From USA Today:
"Elephants are extremely sensitive," said Webb. "It amazed me. We think of elephants as big, strong creatures but they are very emotional. Moses picks up on my feelings. If I am sad, he is nurturing. If I am angry, he quickly gets upset."

Webb has placed a mattress on the dining room floor where she and Moses curl up for the night. Moses gets up about every two hours and shuffles around the room until Webb wakes and gives him his bottle feed.

Photo by Denis Farrell, AP
Read more here:


Infidel de Manahatta said...

Her diaper bill must be amazing

Terri Wagner said...

awww I like animals.