Sunday, July 03, 2011

The government's take is more than Wal-Mart's!

Here is something I have never thought about. Do you realize that Wal-Mart's profit to shareholders is about half or less than half of what the government gets per item sold? Wal-Mart's profit is 3.6 percent of sales. In our area that is less than one-half of what the government gets per item sold.


Andy said...

Bob, it's that way in almost every business. Just look how much the gubmit makes on a gallon of gasoline...with rarely ever lifting a finger to help...if not doing outright harm to the industry. Taxes are MUCH higher than profit per gallon.

The gumit most always sucks. Literally.

Bob's Blog said...

You are so right! Thanks for your contribution to this discussion.

Terri Wagner said...

It is why we went to war in the first place...taxes.