Tuesday, March 05, 2019

We are hung up on physical attributes

Have you noticed how hung up we are on physical attributes of people in politics? The other side is hung up on Donald Trump's hair, which he plasters with hair spray so that no hair is ever out of place, even when he stops to chat with fake news "journalists" outside on a windy day. At the other extreme, we say that Bernie Sanders uses a balloon to comb his hair. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has beautiful eyes, but we insist on calling her bug-eyed and we refer to her teeth as Donkey Chompers. We call Nancy Pelosi Nancy Palsy, as though it is okay to make fun of Cerebral Palsy now.

Each of these leading politicians also stands for something in terms of where they would like to take our nation policy-wise. Shouldn't that be our focus?

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