Friday, March 08, 2019

Did you know that the Olympics have decided to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identity with?

Jessica Gulmire writes in the Federalist,
There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

...Women in sports. Trans women in sports. To some, these are the same idea. Yet to older women who worked their behinds off to be taken seriously in a male-dominated game, there is a huge difference. Men are born with 8 percent more muscle mass than women, on average. That may sound minuscule, but in the world of racing, power, and endurance, it is everything.

...Very few people seem to care. And if we don’t come together to oppose the new changes, or push for them to do the right thing and open up a third category for trans athletes, then we’ve already lost. Women’s sports are being suffocated. It won’t last much longer, but at least we know what’s important. Allowing a man to prove he’s the best woman is now the norm.

Good luck, ladies.
Read more here.

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