Here is Milo Yiannopolous being interviewed yesterday on Breitbart News by Alex Marlow.
Next week Milo has created Free Speech Week at Berkeley. AntiFa riots if a conservative dares to give an opinion. Last time he was there, in February, Milo was chased out by armed mobs from an underground parking lot in an armored SUV. The mobs did $100,000 dollars worth of damage to UC Berkeley and $500,000 worth of damage to downtown Berkeley. People were sprayed in the face and beaten up while the police did nothing. Similar damage was inflicted when David Horowitz and Ann Coulter had speaking engagements at Berkeley.
So next week Milo is organizing a "four-day extravaganza" with each day dedicated to examining major threats to free speech in America. The first one is Wednesday on "Feminism Awareness Day." The second one is "Islamic Peace and Tolerance Day." The third one is called "Zuck 2020" about Silicon Valley and Mark Zuckerberg. The final day is going to be called "Mario Savio is dead!" Mario Savio was a founder of the free speech movement at Berkeley in the 1960s. Coulter, Horowitz and Pamela Geller have all accepted Milo's invitation to appear at Berkeley events next week. Why is he doing it? So students can be exposed to a different point of view! The man is very courageous!
The interviewer asks Milo why he is risking his life and capital proving a point that he has already proven (that free speech is dead at Berkeley). His answer, "I don't just want to point to the problem and whine about it. I want to fix it! I want to force Berkeley to police properly. I also want to send a message to other colleges to allow different opinions if they receive public funding. Trump has already tweeted a threat to take funding away from colleges who do not allow free speech. Milo senses that colleges are going to hold their noses and let conservatives hold their events.
I agree with the caller who praised Milo's courage and eloquence.
Are Jared and Ivanka pushing for amnesty? Milo points out that the country turned down both McCain and Romney and they obviously do not want President Jivanka! If Trump goes with Jivanka's advice, a lot of his support will evaporate in Milo's opinion.
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