Forgive me, folks. I am a sucker for psychological theories. Can't help it. It's what got me through graduate school in social work.
Roger L. Simon has written a post this morning entitled The Real Debate: The Good Father vs. The Abandoned Son. I thought it was an interesting way to look at things, but I noticed that Simon did not give Obama credit for being a good father, just Mitt. So I looked in the comments section of the post to see if anyone else noted this ommision. I found this from a commenter from Israel: "I’ll leave the psychobabble to others, personally, I think that Obama
was severely constrained because he couldn’t just lie without being
He’s a con man & was faced with exposure so he had to abandon most of his BS.
Without the BS, he can’t talk."
and, the same commenter later: "Two points.
One, I think the guy is a sociopath.
Two, he’s a sort of chameleon hiding who he really is, the image we’re
allowed to see is phoney but the ”real” Obama wouldn’t be saleable."
then, there was this, from another commenter:
"I don’t know, Roger. My take was similar to Bob Woodward’s.
He looked, acted and performed like Tiger Woods after getting caught,
his game collapsed because of some inner turmoil. He knew he was
guilty and was going to be judged and exposed.
While Tiger’s one time greatness cannot be denied and Obama’s is
almost entirely hype and media construction…it is nearly impossible to
perform when you are inside your own head. You can’t recapture the
rapture…when you believe you are a fraud. A guilty conscience needs no
Something Obama knows is true and has been hidden from view, perhaps a
TON of information and vetting that has never taken place…is now in
somebody’s hands and either they are threatening to tell the world, or
Obama fears they will. He lives almost entirely on image. If that
image gets shredded, he has nothing to fall back on, there is little
I’ve heard and read many things, some of which are relevant to the Presidency, some not.
1)He is about to be exposed on the credit card/foreign money fraud which took place in the 2008 election as well.
2)He knows that the failures in Benghazi and his skipping of intel briefings will be linked.
3)Fast and Furious is not going away.
4)The media can no longer cover for him and when he turned on them,
stopped doing press briefings, SOME of them decided to actually do their
job…not for the benefit of the country, but in a showdown of egos.
5)Russia, China and the Mideast didn’t bend to his will or buy the
hype. They chanted against him and burned him in effigy. The charlatan
was handed a mirror and he can’t look at it and he can’t look away. So,
he looks down.
6)A number of deaths at his church were suspicious and were tied to
an alternative lifestyle and the relatives of the deceased may be
claiming that Obama knows something about those deaths.
7)The “internals” of both campaigns show an entirely different picture than the media has been reporting.
8)Maybe the LA Times was contemplating releasing the hostage tape.
There is much to hide. And Obama gave off the impression of someone
who wanted to crawl away someplace. He knows what it is and he wanted
to close his eyes, avert his gaze and not get caught. I don’t think
Romney touched on it, because Obama came out the next day…almost
Oppo research is a dangerous thing. Obama has lived by that sword.
He looks very much like a man who does not wish to unsheathe it now."
and, another commenter: "All there is to Obama, is his capacity-to-control others by charm, lies,
megawatt smiles and soaring rhetoric. But what will instantly replace
this hollow fear, is rage.
The next day, Obama was back into his virtual world, preaching from
the campaign podium, closed to questions and faced only with adulation
and cheers. That’s his venue. He leaves all policies and programs to
others, refuses to sit in and work on such analyses, cannot handle
dealing with others as equals or even as experts – for he rejects others
as equal to him and most certainly can’t handle anyone as an expert.
Remember, Obama has always said that he does everything better than
anyone around him – and that includes everything from military,
economic, fiscal, foreign speech writing.
The Town Hall ‘debate’ will be more his style, for the questioner
from the audience won’t rebut Obama’s word-filled, fact-empty answer as
Romney did, and will instead move into a state of adulation.
One more (I have to go to work, so I will read the rest later): "I don’t think we understand this kind of collective projection very well
at all – for all our social science. As an American of a certain age, I
recognized Obama’s draw in the 2004 convention speech as tapping into
the collective frustration of the left at the double assassination of
the Kennedys. But I had grown up so I didn’t fall for it. When asked by a
left wing Democrat friend in 2007 what I thought of Obama, I said that
he just didn’t have the experience. And that takes no brilliance to see
that. Anyone, left right or center, simply looking at his resume would
see that it is preposterous to think he is qualified for the job. It is
his ability to catalyze projection that is so powerful. I think what
happened for many of my generation was that instead of the Kennedy saga
playing out in imperfect human space with some success and some failure,
they were catapulted by assassination into archetypal space. The left
carried that loss forward, and I suspect imprinted it on their children
– both personally and collectively through the education system. That
is why the college educated journalists swooned. Remember how hard they
fell in love after the essentially meaningless Iowa caucuses and had
that moment of genuine doubt when Hilary won New Hampshire? It didn’t
last long! The draw was irresistible. He was indeed the one ‘we’ had
been waiting for, and too many fell for him hook, line and sinker. He
was going to lower the oceans and heal the planet! This is not the realm
of the human, it is the realm of gods and archetypes. At the risk of
offending my fellow Christians, the Obama phenomena was the End Times of
the secular left – their Rapture. Those whom the gods wish to destroy
they first make mad. What is in danger of being destroyed here is the
country, and we are all, left and right, going to have to pick up the
pieces. Sooner. Or later.
Meanwhile, I wholeheartedly recommend you read the piece and the commenters here:
1 comment:
Ok I almost felt sorry for Obama and thought maybe he's just off his game, not feeling good, etc. until his "imposter" comments the next day. He's an empty chair just like Eastwood said.
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