Monday, October 17, 2011

Biden's son, Bloomberg's live-in girlfriend, George Soros: who could be more appropriate hosts for the Occupiers?

The OW group (Occupy Whatever?) in New York is being hosted by the crony capitalists they think they oppose. The blogger at Moonbattery has all the details:
Ground Zero for the alarming communist show of force currently calling itself Occupy Wall Street is Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan. As noted previously, this park is owned by Brookfield Office Properties, whose parent company Brookfield Asset Management received a $135 million “green energy” loan of the crony capitalist Solyndra variety from the Obama Administration. Now it turns out that Joe Biden’s lobbyist son was involved in brokering this apparent payoff.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Brookfield is a preferred stock of none other than Obama backer and far left financier George Soros.

New York’s Mayor for Life Michael Bloomberg has deliberately allowed the situation to fester rather than attempting to maintain law and order, obviously as a result of this billionaire Bolshevik’s leftist political inclinations. Lo and behold, his live-in girlfriend sits on the board of Brookfield Properties.

The link:

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