Sunday, February 20, 2011

A salute to Texas

Texas is about to pass a law allowing concealed handguns on all their 38 public universities serving more than 500,000 students. Only one other state has had the wisdom to enact such legislation: Utah.


Terri Wagner said...

I'm fairly sure Alabama won't be far behind.

innominatus said...

Cool. The next freak who want to go on a campus-wide shooting spree is going to have a bad day.

Mrs. Who said...

I'd send my daughter to school in Texas...but not Utah...

robinstarfish said...

A bill is in the Idaho legislature right now to allow any state resident to carry concealed weapons without a permit. And not just on campuses.

Bob's Blog said...

I hope you are right.
Mrs. Who,
I completely understand!
Wow! (I say that to you a lot, don't I?)