Sunday, July 01, 2007

Hillary Attacks Fred

Did you see that Hillary has come out on the attack against Fred Thompson? Apparently Fred said in answering a question that some immigrants from Cuba could be terrorists. So Hillary gives a speech at Disneyland in Orlando ridiculing Fred and trying to make him seem anti-Hispanic and anti-Cuban refugee in all-important Florida. It is a brilliant move on Hillary's part, beecause her base doesn't even think there are terrorists in the world, while Fred's base is very invested in securing America against the very real terror threat. It also shows that Hillary is worried about Fred. I don't recall her heretofore singling out any other Republican candidate. Go get her, Fred!


Pen of Jen said...

I hadn't thought about this before, but I can't recall her singling out anyone else.

Great Point!

Mrs. Who said...

That means Fred stands a very good chance. Woo-hoo!

-Mrs. Who

shoprat said...

She sees Fred as the biggest threat to her ambitions put she is wrong. She sees the biggest threat every time she looks in the mirror.

I hope he chews her up and spits her out.

Gayle said...

I agree. She wouldn't be attacking him if she weren't scared of him, Bob.


Mizz E said...

How's the move going?

Betcha will have some tales to tell.

Hope y'all are having a Happy 4th of July!

Rita Loca said...

Happy 4th!!

Jon said...

Nice blog! I am trying to make a conservative digg alternative called GOP Hub ( Anything you can do to help with this effort would be awesome. Plus feel free to submit any articles you write here on your blog :). Take care and have a great weekend!