Tuesday, June 02, 2020

The guy Obama chose to help him get the Iran deal approved by the media

Former Obama national security advisor tweeted yesterday,
It’s impossible not to notice that at least the protests we see always seem peaceful until the police show up.

Ace of Spades responds,
Obama's Pro-Iran "Echo Chamber" Maestro Defends Antifa and Terrorists, Claims It Is Not Antifa But the Police Who are Causing Riots
Ben Rhodes -- a failed novelist (who never wrote a novel) and Obama's most trusted security advisor -- said that the terrorist groups antifa, BAMN, and BLM never commit any crimes except when police show up.

In other words: He's pushing the conspiracy theory that the police are starting these riots, are using their own paid, controlled agent provocateurs to start riots.

This is a former highest level security advisor on the left claiming that the riots you see are caused by Crisis Actors.

This is now accepted -- in fact, oft-retweeted -- thinking among the allegedly moderate suburban white leftist intelligentsia.
Read more here.

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