Sunday, July 14, 2019

"You climb the mountain to see the world. You don’t climb the mountain so the world can see you."

In the New York Times, liberal columnist Maureen Dowd writes of the spat between Pelosi and AOC,
...the 79-year-old speaker and the 29-year-old freshman are trapped in a generational and ideological tangle that poses a real threat to the Democrats’ ability to beat Donald Trump next year.

...A.O.C. should consider the possibility that people who disagree with her do not disagree with her color.

...(You know how topsy-turvy the fight is when the biggest defenders of Pelosi, who has endured being a caricature of extreme liberalism for decades, are Trump and the Wall Street Journal editorial board.)

...But Congress is not a place where you achieve radical progress — certainly not in divided government. It’s a place where you work at it and work at it and don’t get everything you want.

The progressives act as though anyone who dares disagree with them is bad. Not wrong, but bad, guilty of some human failing, some impurity that is a moral evil that justifies their venom.
More here.

Surely, Dowd is in error to assume that many people give a hoot about AOC or Pelosi!

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