Saturday, July 13, 2019

Down Through The Ages

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

The Stone Age. The Dark Ages. The Middle Ages. The Age of Reason. The Age of Discovery. The Age of Enlightenment. The Age of Imperialism. The Age of Aquarius. The Information Age. The Age of Viability. The Age of Accountability. Middle Age. Old Age. These are just a few of the ages and stages that society and/or individuals have gone through or will go through.

Unfortunately, there are those who seem to be hooked on adding a new age which should most probably be called The Age of Emotion. It shares some basics roots with The Stone Age, The Dark Ages, and The Age of Aquarius. But, it seems to be devoid of connections with The Age of Reason, The Age of Discovery, The Age of Enlightenment, The Information Age, and The Age of Accountability.

As a person who is in my Middle Age and preparing to enter my Old Age, I am sorrowed to see our society and many of the people in it regressing backwards to behaviors more suited to the primitive and barbaric ages of The Stone Age and The Dark Ages, not to mention all those behaving more like toddlers than adults. Screaming, throwing things, pooping on the sidewalk, ignoring reality, telling stories, and thinking that wishing alone will make it so.

On top of that, it is not like we can demand that people act their age ‘cause that is apparently on its way to being as fluid as they are trying to make gender. People are seemingly helter-skelter choosing their gender, their ethnicity, their species, and even their age.

Of course, having put these thoughts down on paper, I am thinking I may have miscalled this Age. Perhaps The Age of Idiots is much more fitting. What do all y’all think???

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