Monday, February 12, 2018

Sh*tholes start close to home, Mr President.

In a couple of months the lawsuit against Mark Steyn by Mr. Hockey Stick, Michael Mann, will enter its seventh year! It has not even come to trial yet! Mark writes about it here.
...I voluntarily submitted to the DC court's jurisdiction on the careless assumption they were capable of trying the matter in a reasonably competent fashion.

Silly me. Obviously, they're not, and it's hard to see how any "reasonable man" could have anything other than utter contempt for such a system: sh*tholes start close to home, Mr President. On the present rate of progress, I am unlikely to live long enough to see the conclusion of a case totally procedurally bollocksed at its inception by an incompetent trial judge complaining on the very first day about all the filings. As I have noted with sadness, witnesses of mine have already died.

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