Friday, February 09, 2018

Love’s Story

my latest WoolyMammoth.Org essay
Suzann Darnall
Today, 1:10 PM

by Suzann Darnall

In the midst of more government overreach and scandal, as well as continuing worldwide terror, it is hard sometimes to look for the kinder, gentler side of life. But, it exists. Especially if we look within our own hearts and homes. Take a little time this coming week, the week we celebrate Valentine’s Day, to say, “Luv ya!” to those special people in our lives. This is a holiday dedicated to love. To romance. A day for giving gifts and cards. For opening our hearts to messages of tenderness. So, send an email, post a meme, share a tweet, mail a card, buy a bouquet, or just give a hug. But, let people know they are special to you. Share a little of your heart with the people who mean the most in your life.

As most of my longtime readers know, holidays are something my family enjoys. We like the big ones and the little ones. We enjoy the hoopla. I have already decorated my house in honor of Cupid and Eros. My kitchen table is done in pink and white linens, while my lanai dining table is mostly pink and cream with a collection of my miniature boxes and small ceramics in shades of pinks with a heart, flower, and butterfly theme. On my mantle is a centerpiece I made a few years ago with my daughter as well as an adorable ceramic heart keepsake given to me by my mother. Two of the doors into my house are glass and they are decorated with Valentine window clings. To let people know they are loved I will be sharing cards, letters, emails, posts, and memes.

It often is not a huge event at our house. Just a little bit of light in an increasingly dark world of turmoil and trouble. We need as many little sparks of bright as we can get nowadays. And, I think a holiday about love is an easy place to start sharing a bit of my light with others. It may only be a flicker, but if my flicker lights a flicker in another heart, that is twice as much light as before. If we all start sharing some love, maybe we can eventually have enough to start blocking out some of the hate. We can shed enough light to push away the darkness.

I know a few cards and chocolates can’t defeat terrorism or even stop our government from trying to diminish our freedom, but the joy these small joys bring can give us the hope to continue the fight against these sometimes seemingly overwhelming evils. Yes, I do consider government overreach and scandal to be evil. Anything that diminishes our God-given rights is evil. And, every government overreach ultimately does that! So, I look for every possible way to continue to have the will to go on in speaking out against the evils that surround us. And, focusing on the loves in my life is a great motivator!

So, despite the headlines, I will celebrate the holiday that somehow combines a Catholic saint with a Roman god, mixes in a lot of gift-giving, frosts it all in chocolate, tops it off with flowers, and comes out in a rosy light! I will recharge my emotional batteries with a little nod to love and romance. I will share time with family and friends. I will spend time with my husband. I will pay heed to the words of my Savior and I will do my best to, “Love one another.” Not just for a day or a weekend, but in a effort to do so forever.

Love one another. Oh that we could pass it all the way around the world. For that matter, I’d settle for just being able to share it all across the USA. Three simple words. One sometimes seemingly impossible message. But, hey, do your best to pass it on! Love is a tale as old as time and should always be a never-ending story!

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