Friday, February 09, 2018

"It's extraordinary how quickly these cucks will vouch for their Democrat fwiends, apparently believing their Democrat fwiends will do the same for them."

Ace of Spades has a piece this morning explaining how Democratic Senator Mark Warner colluded with Russians and tried not to leave a paper trail. Marco Rubio came to his defense. Ace comments,
Furthermore, Rubio neatly misses the point: Why is it okay for Democrats to seek out RUSSIAN agents for dirt?

And, if all of this was on the up-and-up, why was Mark Warner so insistent on a secret go-between with "no paper trail"?

It's extraordinary how quickly these cucks will vouch for their Democrat fwiends, apparently believing their Democrat fwiends will do the same for them.

It's adorable -- and sad.
Read more here.

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