Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"Coming soon: James Comey tweets a Bible quote of Jesus saying something about the righteous man's obligation to lie to Congress."

Ace of Spades does his usual thorough job of presenting to us an item in the news. Today's item is Susan Rice writing an email to herself on January 20, moments before Trump was inaugurated, about a meeting she attended fifteen days earlier. That meeting took place in the White House. Attendees were President Obama, National Security Adviser Susan Rice, Vice President Biden, FBI Director Comey and then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. James Comey did not mention this meeting when he testified before Congress. Senators Grassley and Graham have given Susan Rice until February 22 to respond to a letter they have written to her. Ace summarizes that letter and much more here.

joncelli, going phalangist, commented,
So, let me be sure I've got this straight:

1. There was a meeting. Comey, Obama, Rice, Biden, and Yates at a minimum were there.

2. They basically agreed to HIDE INFORMATION from the members of an incoming administration.

3. Just before that, they ordered the NSA to make available information about US persons -- including members of the incoming administration -- to the wider intel community.

4. This information was almost certainly leaked.

Does that about cover it?

Lizzy commented,
I can see it now, Rice's response communicated via an MSNBC appearance with Joe and Mika:

"I emailed nothing to nobody, and met nowhere with nobody."

DeploraBOT commented,
Sekulow: Susan Rice Wrote Memo Because They Knew 'Someone' Saw Their Meeting Take Place (VIDEO)
Bill Priestap??
Admiral Mike Rogers ??

Make Believe!

hat tip Bertram Cabot, Jr.

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