Monday, March 06, 2017


Bookworm writes, in part,
...The reality, not the Progressive magical science, but the actual reality of the world is that men are men and women are women . . . which is why it’s a lousy idea to lock men and women together on ships at sea and expect that biological reality won’t happen. Anomalies are so infinitesimally small that they should not be allowed to shape the debate.

A sane society rejects the social justice warriors’ contention that gender is fluid and that people are what they say they are. This goes beyond bathrooms and sports competitions. This goes to whether a society operates in the world as it is — meaning that it treats the mentally ill with compassion but still recognizes that XX does not equal XY and that gender, unlike race, is not a continuum — or whether a society tries to operate in a fantasy-land, entirely disconnected from reality.

You know what happens when you give the reins to the fantasy-land crowd? You get a country controlled by magical thinking and that’s never good. In that country….

People in power pretend that 10% of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims aren’t religious fanatics who dream of world domination with the winner carried into power on a mountain of bloodied corpses.

People in power pretend that puny humans have greater power over the climate than the sun and the atmosphere and, damn it!, they’ll manipulate all the data they can to prove their point. Moreover, as was the case in California, they’ll spend untold sums on this fantasy while ignoring necessary repairs to an important dam and spillway only because they’ve convinced themselves that a cyclically reappearing drought will suddenly last forever.

People in power pretend that guns are so dangerous that only criminals should be allowed to have them.

People in power pretend that government, rather than merely printing money, is an instrument of wealth creation, headed by people with extraordinary economic insight. They then use this belief to justify taking money and spending it on favored political constituents — never mind that this system has never worked anywhere, at any time.

Perhaps worst of all, people in power, on the one hand, pretend that sexual identity is utterly fluid and that we can all make it up as we go along while, on the other hand, they pretend that men and women are so fundamentally different that all men are rapists and all women can be Navy SEALS. Even acknowledging those two world views creates a painful cognitive dissonance. I don’t know how people can function if they actual believe those two entirely inconsistent theories.

A world ruled by people steeped in fantasy is a dangerous world. President Trump may exaggerate but, where it counts, he’s plugged into reality. That makes me feel much more secure than I did during the last eight years of President Fantasy’s administration.
Read more here.

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