Friday, May 25, 2007

Thanking Those Who Protect Us

I know it is Memorial Day weekend, but we also need to remember those who are protecting us now in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.
This one will tug on your heart.
Via The Cook Shack Gab & Grub


Pen of Jen said...

It sure did, thank goodness for the kleenex right next to me.

Thanks for posting this today, you are so correct...we need to think of all the troops and thank them for everything they sacrifice for us.

Rita Loca said...

I just posted about some new events relating to the closure of the RCTV television channel here. You may find it of interest since you commented about it yesterday.

This video is hear tbreaking.and heart warming!

Mizz E said...

Truth be told I have watched a total of about 18 hours of TV in the last year, because Western Civ TV is mostly suitable for the garbage disposal, but you know what, I saw this original broadcast and it was an affirming & moving experience. Now - If the MSM were to broadcast more moments like this, I might tune in and Western Civ. might avert it's slide into Babeldom.

Thanks Bob for posting this sweet recollection.