Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Not Democrat? Not Left? You must be a hate group!

In his Morning Report today, JJ Sefton has a few words to say about the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
First of all, the SPLC is a complete fraud; the fact is the KKK, Aryan Nations and other so-called "right wing" hate groups are for all intents and purposes fringe, with statistically insignificant numbers of confirmed members. And despite zero things in common with and denounced by anyone and everyone on our side, the SPLC inflates their numbers and threat and continues to smear us as being joined at the hip with them. Plus, the "hate groups" it does identify include anyone and anything that is non-Democrat and non-Leftist. Actual Muslim terrorists and terror organizations as well as Antifa, BLM, New Black Panthers, enviro-terrorists and others are strangely non-existent in their files and warnings. As for the ADL, it is a prime example of a once-respected organization that long ago had been killed and gutted by Leftists who are now traipsing around in its rotting skin-suit.
Read more here.

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