Tuesday, September 01, 2020

From Stephen Green's Insanity Wrap

Stephen Green writes in VodkaPundit,
Antifa just firmly believe that ruining people’s lives will advance their political agenda, and so that’s what they do.

Stephen Green writes in VodkaPundit,
New Data From the CDC Shows 6% of Deaths Are Due to COVID-19 Alone.

Ninety-four percent of the time, the Wuhan Virus kills those who are either old, already dying of something else, or both.

And those are just the ones out of the untold millions of infected who actually became sick.

Ninety-four percent of the time, the Wuhan Virus kills those who are either old, already dying of something else, or both.

And those are just the ones out of the untold millions of infected who actually became sick.

The average number of comorbidities is 2.6 for COVID-19 deaths in this country.

Quarantining the young and the healthy was a mistake. Continuing on with it is a crime.

If you’re under 65, not morbidly obese, and otherwise healthy, it’s time to get on with your life and your work, and most importantly, get to the vital business of voting these shutdown bastards out of office.
Read more here.

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