Andrew's 2-minute opening monolog is once again terrific.
Donald Trump has a magical ability to make his opposition destroy themselves. Remember Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton?
The Left is lucky we didn't show up with pitchforks. Instead, we sent Donald Trump! The American people have been bullied by the Left: Obama and Holder, the Leftist media, Leftist Senators and Representatives.
The other thing that is a problem for Democrats is the amazing job Trump is doing with the economy. It was announced this week that female unemployment is at a fifty-year low at 3.9%. It has been cut in half since
a point in Obama's second term.
Dr. Sebastian Gorka is Andrew's guest today. He believes China is the biggest long term threat to us. Remember, Gorka was privy to top secret information during his time in the Trump White House. China uses non-kinetic means, pumping cultural messages into the United States through its Confucius Institutes. Dr. Gorka talks about it in his new book Why We Fight.We didn't lose the will to fight; it was buried under an ice layer of political correctness. Americans are now allowed to say that America is the greatest nation on earth!
What about the Islamic threat? Gorka agrees it is a threat but he points out that there is no homogeneity in the Islamic world (like the Beijing Politburo). In the People's Republic of China there are billions of people controlled by one party.
Andrew is bothered by the Kavanaugh hearings because of the virulent hatred of the Left and the dishonesty of the media. Gorka believes Trump has preternatural political skills. He knows what Kavanaugh is going through. He knows it from personal experience.
McConnell has made it happen when it comes to supporting Trump's nomination of conservative judges.
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