Friday, October 04, 2013

Truth be told...

Frank Salvato writes at NewMediaJournal,

Well, it is upon us, the dreaded government shutdown. And yet the Earth still spins, the water still runs, the electric is on and Harry Reid is still tossing verbal grenades at anyone who dares represent an opposing view to the lock-step Progressive agenda. Imagine that! Our daily lives didn't come to a grinding, catastrophic halt because the big government nanny state was sidelined by the fruits of their own discontent. In fact, to paraphrase an often heard chant at any Leftist-leaning protest march, "This is what not spending looks like!"

Truth be told, if our nation would have stayed true to our Founding Documents, the crisis that delivered unto us this dastardly government shutdown would never had existed. Indeed, if we would have executed government with fidelity to the Constitution, to governmental process and to the legislated laws instead of capitulating to the Progressive's fundamental transformation of the United States of America (a transformation launched at the turn of the 20th Century), World War II veterans wouldn't have had to push aside hastily erected barriers meant to shut down the World War II Memorial on the Mall in Washington, DC, Tuesday simply to experience the memorial erected in their honor.

The bottom line here is this. Progressives will do anything and say anything; they will lie, cheat and steal, to achieve their goals; their agendas. They will alter the Constitution, create new behemoth entitlement programs, spend, raise taxes and amass debt from which there is no return, in any and all efforts to advance their nanny-state, centralized government vision for our country. And if those who believe in Constitutional law, States' Rights, individualism, personal responsibility the free market and liberty don't take a stand – now...well, it will all be over very, very the hands of the Progressives' ideological death panel.

The new media was out in force when the vets stormed the barricades. Go to You Tube to see all the different reports. This one, though, was by CNN.

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